Crisis Block Technology

A Simple and Flexible Solution

MCC Crisis Blocks employ simple technology that works with standard brick coursing height and length, and can be laid with unskilled labour due to their interlocking design. Walls can be built in a single day since no mortar is required in construction.

All the blocks – and the walls and pavers produced – are earthquake, fire and cyclone resistant, exhibiting superior performance to conventional brickwork.

Block and Paver Options

Flexible Building Options To Meet Any Needs

Modular block options

  • 300 by 100 mm interlocking modular block, with 200 by 100 and 100 by 100 part blocks from the same mould 
  • 240 by 120 mm interlocking block 
  • Each interlocking block has a top mould change for flat topped blocks for window sills and top of walls 

Paver Options

  • 240mm x 120mm, and 60mm or 80mm height

Tough and Elegant Solutions

Flexible Technology That Works, 
Long Term and Anywhere

Flexible Options

  • Blocks easily made on a modern, small block making plant
  • Thickness of blocks and pavers can be adjusted to suit local brick or block coursing practices 
  • Flat-topped options for window sills and wall tops

Onsite Adaptability

  • Halves can be cut or made to suit
  • Rebar grouted in place vertically through the bricks for strength

Custom Requirements

  • Other sizes and shapes are available
  • Mobile factories can have custom pavers and other block moulds
  • Sizes suitable for the location and building methods for the location

Crisis Construction in Action

Debris is crushed with an MCC mill
The fine material is feed into our block factory
Blocks are formed with a specialised press.

Certification of Blocks and Walls

Blocks are certified by a Structural Engineer signoff of LayGo TM Blocks

Structures are signed off by the Structural Engineer by location and associated risk zone

LayGo Blocks provides technical support for MCC

LayGo Blocks provides mobile block making machinery technology for MCC

Focusing on Ukraine

The current focus of MCC is to send block factories into Ukraine, rebuilding critical infrastructure providing emergency shelter to those displaced by the ongoing war with Russia, by repurposing rubble, rubbish and waste into modular bricks. 

Each mobile factory requires AU $120,000 to be shipped to Ukraine, arriving ready to be fully operational with minimal local input. 

MCC will establish the initial rebuilding efforts in a relatively safe area north of Kiev, and expand operations into other areas as needed, dependent on funding.